Needles Overlook/Wind Whistle Campground, Utah
Needles Overlook
The Needles Overlook is a great place to get away from the crowds of tourists in the Moab area. The overlook is operated by the BLM. It's never gated shut and so is a great place to look at the stars and take photographs at night. There are panoramic views to the west, north and south from the overlook. Best of all it's usually empty. BLM built an unfortunately obtrusive fence along the cliff side but it's easy to get away from the fenced area by walking in any direction away from the parking area. The Needles Overlook is about 60 miles from Moab, there is no admission charge and are no facilities aside from pit toilets. The road to the overlook from 191 is paved and passes the pleasant and under-used Wind Whistle campground. Wind Whistle campground is 15 miles away from the Needles overlook. At times of year when campgrounds in Canyonlands and Arches fill up early in the day, Wind Whistle is often completely empty. BLM operates the campground and charges a $15 (self register) fee per night. There is water available at the campground from May 1st to Oct. 15th.
Wind Whistle Campground
Needles Overlook
Needles Overlook
Needles Overlook
Needles Overlook
Needles Overlook
Needles Overlook
Needles Overlook
Needles Overlook
Needles Overlook

Needles Overlook
Needles Overlook
Needles Overlook
Wind Whistle Campground
Needles Overlook
Needles Overlook
Needles Overlook
Needles Overlook
Needles Overlook
Needles Overlook
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