Greensboro North Carolina:
Proximity Print Works and Revolution Mill
Proximity Print Works, Greensboro, North Carolina
The Cone family built three very large textile mills along North Buffalo Creek in northeastern Greensboro around the turn of the century. The furthest northeast, the White Oak Mill, is still operating although it is no longer a Cone property. Cone Mills dissolved in 2003. The White Oak Mill was built in 1905 and produced denim, primarily. The Revolution Mill (picture below) is the furthest southwest of the group. It was built in 1900 and operated until 1982. It sat abandoned for many years but has recently been renovated and converted to residential and commercial use. The Proximity Print Works is between White Oak and Revolution and is abandoned and ruined. The Proximity Print Works was built in stages, at the site of an earlier carpet mill, beginning in 1913. It is a massive, multi-story plant in an advanced state of decay. Proximity Print Works closed in 1977 and has been unused since. Most of the buildings in the Proximity complex were built from the 1920s to the 1940s. The print works bleached, finished and dyed grey cloth from and for the numerous other Cone company mills. The print works is fenced but the fences are torn open or trampled in several places. Caution is advised for anyone tempted to explore the inside of the mill. Sections are structurally unsound. A friend witnessed a small collapse on a recent visit.
Revolution Cotton Mill, Greensboro, North Carolina
Proximity Print Works National Register of Historic Places nomination form.
Revolution Mills National Register of Historic Places nomination form.

Proximity Print Works, Greensboro, North Carolina

Proximity Print Works, Greensboro, North Carolina
Proximity Print Works, Greensboro, North Carolina

Looking Towards the Revolution Mill from the Proximity Print Works, Greensboro, North Carolina

Proximity Print Works, Greensboro, North Carolina

Looking Towards the Revolution Mill from the Proximity Print Works, Greensboro, North Carolina

Proximity Print Works, Greensboro, North Carolina

Proximity Print Works, Greensboro, North Carolina

Proximity Print Works, Greensboro, North Carolina

Revolution Cotton Mill, Greensboro, North Carolina
Proximity Print Works, Greensboro, North Carolina
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