Dee Oregon
Added - 06/10/17

Dee Oregon
Dee Oregon is the site of a former sawmill, logging camp and company town. Dee is in the Hood River Valley about one and a half hours drive from Portland. The remains of the old Dee sawmill are just off highway 281 and easy to access. Wikipedia and Linda Carlson write that the town was established in 1906 and that it was sold and closed in 1959. Dee seems to have had a population of 200 to 300 at its peak. Substantial ruins of the sawmill still existed in 2016. One portion of the mill buildings are in use by Hood River Organics. There are remains of a power dam on the river here. I did not find any remnants of the residential sections of Dee during a 2016 visit, although I did not look very hard.
Section of Dee Mill Buildings Being Used by Hood River Organics, Dee Oregon

Dee Oregon

Dee Oregon

Dee Oregon

Dee Oregon

Dee Oregon
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