Ramseur, North Carolina

Ramseur, North Carolina
Ramseur is one of three historic textile mill towns on a short stretch of the Deep River near Asheboro. Cedar Falls and Franklinville are the other two. Cedar Falls has two surviving mills. Franklinville's mill is in ruins. Ramseur's mill has be almost entirely demolished. The Columbia Manufacturing Company mill was built in Ramseur in 1850. The mill operated until 1963 and sat empty until it was demolished in 2005. The town of Ramseur has survived and grown in spite of the loss of the mill. Most of the recent growth around Ramseur has been along highway 64 and away from the town's historic core. The historic commercial district is a mostly intact example of a turn of the century mill town. Some accessory structures of the mill survive in a sea of kudzu (pictured above and below). L. McKay Whatley wrote a short history of Ramseur here, with some photos of the mill before it was demolished.

Ramseur, North Carolina
Columbia Manufacturing Company Mill National Register of Historic Places Nomination Form.

Ramseur, North Carolina
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